- You have a right to make an advance directive. You have a right to make decisions about the health care you receive now and in the future. An Advance Directive is a written statement about how you want medical decisions made when you can no longer make them. Illinois has three advance directives: health care power of attorney, living will, and mental health treatment preference declaration. Call us at 309-268-3400 about Advance Directives and how to access the forms you will need if you are interested.
Statement of Limitation (755ILCS35/)
ASC Wide Conscious Objection: (Applies to all procedures that take place in the facility)
Due to the fact that the Digestive Disease Endoscopy Center is an Ambulatory Surgery Center for the purpose of performing elective Endoscopy in a safe and uncomplicated manner, patients are expected to have an excellent outcome. If a patient should have a complication and in the event of deterioration, the center staff will always attempt to resuscitate the patient and transfer the patient to Carle BroMenn Medical Center where the hospital’s policy regarding Advance Directives will be followed. A copy of the patient’s advance directive is provided to the hospital in the event of a transfer. The Administrator, physicians, and or Nurse Manager will speak with any patient who presents an Advance Directive during registration who has concerns regarding the Center’s policy. Additional information can be obtained at http://www.idph.state.il.us/public/books/advin.htm
- You have a right to make an advance directive. You have a right to make decisions about the health care you receive now and in the future. An Advance Directive is a written statement about how you want medical decisions made when you can no longer make them. Illinois has three advance directives: health care power of attorney, living will, and mental health treatment preference declaration. Call us at 309-268-3400 about Advance Directives and how to access the forms you will need if you are interested.